Beiter GmbH & Co. KG , based in GermanyThe small and medium sized company Beiter was founded in 1937 and currently employs about 70 employees. The majority of 56 employees is working in the fabrication department, 7 employees work in administration, 5 in construction and 2 in programming. Company Beiter’s main products are tools they build for plastic parts, especially for rear and head lamps in the automotive industry. More and more, company Beiter also builds molds for other market sections and for the medical industry. In general, company Beiter’s production facilities and staff are capable to produce molds from 3D Data until the finished tools. This reflects that their in-house production depth is very high. Sizes of the tools range from 200 kg to 30 tons. Beiter also offers in-house molding of the tools, making use of their molding machines designed from 80 tons to 750 tons. Furthermore, Beiter is highly experienced in 3D printing. They are able to produce certain parts via the rapid prototyping technique using the FDM- (Focused Deposition Modelling) and Inkjet- (High resolution acrylic resin print with inkjet print heads) method. |