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Patients affected by demyelinating diseases pay a high price in terms of quality of life, which N2B-patch aims to decrease while contributing to increased independence, more social inclusion, as well as improved quality of life for the patients and their surroundings.

Patient’s quality of life

Treatments targeting inflammation of the central nervous system may potentially lead to increased risk of serious side effects, possibly due to systemic immune suppression. It is anticipated that the N2B-patch drug-device combination will utilise an extended controlled release profile and the prolonged release of the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient from the multifunctional galenic formulation. Consequentially, this should reduce the number of required applications and therefore reduce patient intervention. N2B-patch has been established on the basis on user requirements so these parameters are fundamentally important to the design space specifications.


Sustainability and Environment

A positive side effect of using biomaterials and minimising the quantity of required doses is the reduction of the environmental burden e.g. for the water cycle.

The production of the device TPE parts need comparable few energy and can be generated out of renewable raw materials for sustainability. With the support of independent experts in a N2B-project Advisory Board research progress will constantly be assessed against the background of different stakeholders’ needs in order to ensure sustainability and efficiency of the outcomes.


Reduction of costs

It is anticipated that N2B-patch may reduce direct treatment costs due to a considerable lower intranasal dose.

API is not lost on its way to the central nervous system and is thus not “wasted”.

We will produce the N2B-patch applicator via cost-effective injection moulding productions, making it generally affordable.

Furthermore, it is expected that reduced disability may lead to a direct reduction in the costs of nursing care and most likely, a reduction of indirect costs also. Therefore, it is anticipated that N2B-patch may not only have a considerable positive impact for European citizens and MS patients, but may consequentially reduce the burden on the costs of the European health and social care systems


Personalised medicine

The implementation of N2B-patch shall be easy to handle after successfully completed training and instruction. Combined with a targeted application interval of 2-4 weeks, N2B-patch is a powerful tool for personalised health management and reduction of indirect costs for medical care and nursing, due to lower input time required. This is extremely important considering the steady declines in the number of health personnel and the simultaneous growing demands.

The medical treatment using the N2B-patch can be fitted to the individual characteristics, needs, and preferences during all stages of care, treatment and follow-up providing “the right patient with the right drug at the right dose at the right time”.



With its described advantages regarding improved personalised medicine, potential cost reduction and novel application, N2B-patch has a huge potential of contributing to the sustainability and efficiency of European health care systems as well as to a positive and meaningful change for the benefit of society.

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